
These pages are full of what makes Penny Penny. Lots of crafts, rants, and fan girling.


I guess it's all just updates, really. Haven't worked on the quilt yet, but I have the bits out and the finished strips are hanging on the wall. Most of my time has been spent unpacking, sorting, and putting things away.

The garage is now only one quarter full, which means I can park my car there over night and still have room to walk around, find things, and do projects.

I've been walking more, and today, I did my first couch to 5K interval! Granted, it's going to take a couple of days/maybe a week doing the same section before I have it down and I can run all of the minute intervals. Running down hill is definitely easier than up hill! As I was running I (ran into?) another girl who has just started running. Her butt was much smaller than mine, and she was running the entire time I saw her. She did slow down for me and give me a GIANT moral boost. I think I can do this again. :) I might need some new running clothes.

I'm about half done with my medicine taper. I have enough of my old pills left to take a series of pictures...from the start of the taper to the end. I was thinking last night about the sheer amount of pills I was taking at the beginning, before I left work...kind of scary thought. I'm not going to be waiting that long to quit a toxic job again.

One of our friends' job was getting rid of a conference table, so guess what we got to fit in the formal dining room! 8 feet by 4 feet of room for friends, games and food. We rescued two red wooden chairs from an antique store, but we needed more! So we purchased some plain folding chairs and some spray paint, with the intention of doing this:

Picture is courtesy of Kelly from The Moon and Me. My colors are going to be more rainbowy. I like my bright bright colors. The two wooden chairs are going to stay red, but the other rainbow colors are all up for dibs.

We have an auxilliary Thanksgiving that is a bit of a tradition with our college friends. I hope to have them done by then.

Cross stitching
